Using Translator
Here's VirusTotal: First from archive (download from PixelDrain), second from PixelDrain (link itself) and third from MEGA (link itself)
"Indicators of hive ransomware"
also deemed low risk
if there is a virus from the MEGA it may be one the poster to the MEGA link may not be aware of.
Is it common for Mega links to be considered "Phishing" links? My assumption is no but given the context provided below on the third image, seems low risk and that **1** out 96 vendors flagged it,
it may be worth seeing what the vendor said and why in specifics.
would also recommend the poster scan their PC to rule out any virus on their end that may be trying to hitch a ride on their game files. Better safe than sorry and all that, even if its just a quick scan via Windows Defender
In summation, it feels like these anti-viruses are flagging a potential risk cuz the URL, as opposed to an actual detected piece of malware in the files itself,
but thats just me