Dark Times Ahead | Prepare for the End
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- In an ever-troubled world, Rabbi Schneider reveals the path to finding strength amidst chaos. Discover how, even in the darkest moments, we can draw encouragement from God's unyielding victory. Tune in to be uplifted.
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654 - Dark Times Ahead - Hope in the Chaos
The problem is that everyone is playing follow the leader and the bigger problem is that they are following the WRONG leader! YESHUA is the one that everyone needs to be following, HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. Amen and Amen
So true
strange that Yeshua can't solve that 🤔🤔🤔
he is powerful isn't he???
I wonder if he is smart, I have my doubts
Ahhhh, it's called free will. You cannot force someone to lovee you.
@@johantenhartog6399Why aren't you doing something to.make things better?
God gave you everything you have ever had and He will demand an explanation for everything you have ever done.
I suggest you do what I'm doing and start BEGGING HIM to to help you follow His example and start treating others in a way that doesn't deserve punishment
Punishment by Jesus is no joke
I fear Him greatly as you and everyone else should understand and copy
That is my advice to everyone
He's our One Great Hope
@@johantenhartog6399Your antagonism is justified both emotionally and logically, but I guess the story of mankind is like any great novel: all the pain, injustice, and suffering is what makes the story an epic one. One doesn’t question Shakespeare’s intelligence just because of all the insane or complicated characters that’s on his «starring list, and we dont question Charles Dickens because there are quite a few suffering individuals in his books
Wow and thank you for speaking truth so boldly Rabbi while we still can.
God continues to bless you with power Amen.
May we all join the fight and pray for people to have eyes to see !
You are always speaking about the times now, Never have I feared more for the unsaved of the world!
Love this ministry!
Rabbi Schneider I am so happy that you are okay, I have missed you on RUclips God bless you. 🇬🇧👍🏼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Good bless the UK
Jesus is getting ready to come back! Amen
He is and he love you. I love you for loving him X mother, the HOLY SPIRIT. Your Mother x I love you X
So ready can’t wait to meet Jesus in person
Ive been crying and sorrowful for days watching whats happening, God spoke to me through Lamentations 3, its ok to be lamenting because it is dark...but joy comes in the morning! We have to fully experience the sadness in our humanity so that our hearts dont grow hard and cold! To see joy we must also see the sadness so we can look forward to eternity!
That’s so beautifully said, I’ve been feeling so guiltily with grief sitting in my heart, because so many are choosing blind ness instead of the truth,… and I’m having a really hard time telling them what we are in for .. its so painful knowing what’s coming.
Thank you for sharing. I, too, am grieving over the world's choices.
Your words are beautifully written.
Thank you Rabbi Scheider for bringing us the word! I learn so much from you! God bless you for the work you do in Jesus name!💜✝️💜
We love you Rabbi and Ms. Cynthia!
Jesus Christ, please remember me on that day..
one more thing, please come soon. This world is about to blow up.
I love you X
Love you Rabbi, and my Brother in Christ!❤
I praise GOd for teachers like you… your vision of the truth is so true, so clear
Yes ❤
I think MANY do not feel the change....sadly. They are fast asleep. They are still "lukewarm". They are still lost. They still are not drawing nearer to Jesus. Oh my God ~ please help me to keep planting your seeds in the hearts of many! Please use me Lord. Please help me to help with the great gathering of souls by planting seeds. Please help me to help those who may otherwise be left behind. Use me Lord. I LOVE YOUR TEACHINGS!
Yes indeed ❤
Yes! Time to ge busy..I'm praying that you receive supernatural strength and wisdom 🙏
Amen God bless you brother in Jesus name
I love you X
Thank you for this wonderful message Rabbi!
❤❤❤Even so, come Lord Jesus come ❤❤❤ We are Yours and We seek Your Face ❤❤❤
I don't normally ask for prayer but I'm going for an autism assessment and my stress level is high dealing with unemployment and the things of life. Can somebody please pray for me for a breakthrough sooner rather than later?
Shalom @AmyMichelleMosier,
We want you to know that we will be praying for you. Rabbi oversees our Prayer Team that meets to pray, in faith, for those that reach out to us.
God Bless,
The Discovering The Jewish Jesus Prayer Team
@@RabbiSchneider Thank you.
Thank you Rabbi! Wonderful teaching!❤😊
Thank You Brother for speaking the truth in God's Word .Let us stand for Jesus and stand on the Word Of God.
Thanks for the sound teaching, Rabbi 🙏🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
POWERFUL and filled withTRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. I love how you explain the bible and Jesus' words. I'm going to share this.
Yes! Amen. Jesus come!🙌
You are so right Rabbi. We must set our face like a flint on truth, the Word of God.
Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Praise God. God bless you and Cynthia.
Thank you Teacher,(Rabbi) ✝️🇺🇸🇮🇱👍😊🙂🙏
Thank you Rabbi for this message. Time is really running Short. But thank YAHWEH we will get through this as we keep our eyes on HIM and trust HIM. shalom to you and your family and people.
Jesus Christ is our only Savior, and he told me in a dream because I ask. He said, Fear not for I am the way ! I was standing on the ground a small piece and everything fell away like broken glass and I was shaken. Thank you Rabbi Schneider for this wonderful message.
Spot on....no truer words..Rabbi Kirk..one of the best teachers of this time frame....Love you my Rabbi friend.....God bless you always....
Rabbi is saying ...keep your eys on Yeshua ....trust in Yeshua. And pray to the Father who sent him...Everyone needs to listen to Rabbis messages...Yeshua ...and the Father who sent him...I understand...The promised redeemer...The savior of the world...whom the Father sent ...
Look up!!!, for your redemption lies near 🙏
That background looks so peaceful and beautiful!!! I am so happy to go on this journey!
Thank you, Rabbi, for giving us the truth from the word of God. Dear Lord God, help us to have eyes that see and ears that hear your voice and follow where YOU lead so that we are not deceived. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Thank you from Michigan. God bless you and your wonderful wife 🙏😇
Thank you Rabbi 🙏🏽
Thank you so much for your faithfullness in bringing us the truth, you are a wonderful Blessing to so many ❤️
That is why I believe in encouraging studying the Word for oneself
God will guide you even in the darkest of times....
amazing word. I have chosen to listen to very few people due to deception. you are someone that I look forward to hearing the truth from right now as I work towards being absolute with God in every area of my life. being disqualified is a real fear as I am at times an unknowingly sinner who desires a true friendship with the trinity.
Good word of encouragement brother.
Yup, and it all started with COVID. I don't even want to leave the house anymore and am even struggling at Church. I can't even find myself going to church every week because it seems I'm even being attacked there as well. My family is gone and I have virtually no friends, only God/Jesus, Amen.
Want to give quick reply to encourage you. I, too, am faced with friend shortage. Am filling that time with Bible study and prayer. The thought comes to me that I would rather be on my own, alone with Jesus, than be lonely with someone around. Still, there are those days. God bless you in your journey!
@bakroadsphilo Same here, and God has blessed me with a mighty fine gaming PC. Same to you, God bless! 🙏
Thank you for that message I pray that the Lord thy God every day I look up to the heavens Yahweh praise God my Lord and Savior❤
Thank you for the truth of Christ. Rabbi Schneider, your word has Blessed me for many. many years.
It feels like all the circumstances and pieces for the fulfillment of end times events are falling into place. I hope people will watch and listen as God's servants try to warn them. Thank you for your ministry which lifts a voice of truth in these times.🙏🌿
Jesus Christ Is The Water of Life
Im very picky who I watch and listen to. Rabbi you are 1 of the fee I listen too besides reading God's word and praying. God In bless. You and your wife and ministry. Prayers are a must daily.
Thank you brother God bless 🙏
The Lord had me in Isaiah 58,59,60 and Revelation 2,3, 22-22. God bless in Jesus name in Spirit and in Truth. Amen To The Amen. Thank You Jesus
1 John 2:22 ❤ amen!
And also 2 John 1:7-11
Rabbi Schneider you have no idea how much you are appreciated and loved dear brother. Thank you for this important and timely message and sharing The Word with us. Praying for you, Cynthia and your ministry. ❤
Jesus said not to call anyone Rabbi.
@@jamesmcallister9645 Thank you for sharing
I am a monthly partner.
Wish I could support more ministries like yours
I am old now, I have always believed in a pre or at least mid tribulation rapture. However, now that I’m old, and I still hope for that, but have come to the conclusion that if as believers we do have to go through the tribulation, I pray I will continue to live long enough to go through it with my family ( and others), so that I can encourage them to be strong in the Lord, and encourage the unsaved to give their hearts to Christ. The only hope we have is in God’s promises and in the truth of His word. His promise and the Word, Jesus Christ. As Job said, even if He slays me, ( allows my death at the hand of the enemy) yet will I trust Him. He is our blessed eternity. Jesus Christ.
Amen 🙏 Father God be with us all ❤
We hope you enjoyed this episode! For further teaching on this subject, check out Rabbi’s book, The Book of Revelation Decoded - Revised Edition: djj.show/yll
I have missed a few I hope your episode doesn’t get lost ❤shalom
Love ❤️ you Rabbi!
We need to speak out for our young people.. we need a solid base family 🙏🏻
Praise the Lord Jesus! 🙌🏾
Amen. Oh how I needed this today Rabbi. Bless You.
YES it feels like GOD is now in everything and is battling the darkness. Theres a million on you tube who say they have seen GOD and have a message !!! One said the other day that we do not have immortal souls because God said the dead know nothing! Craziness.
You can only know you have an immortal soul if you've experienced it's permanence. Not that it's presentable evidence to anyone else not could they accept that kind.
I have quite a few of your books because you explain everything so clear and understandable. God bless you and thank for everything you do for the glory of God and for our learning.
I love your ministry and books Rabbi. Please keep telling Gods truth. Your teachings helped me in dark times. Thankyou and thank Father above. Your the first teacher I can actually relate to. I’ve had similar struggles as you. Your books have taught me how to deal with my struggles. I pray for your ministry often. Father has His hand on you. God bless you always.
I feel the shift, a steady downhill sliding falling away.
Yeshusa guide you to the light a repent to Yeshusa
Timely message! So much anger and hatred out there! Especially in families!!! Jesus is the only one who can save us!!!! There is no other savior!!!!
You the man Rabbi Schneider
Stay strong in the Lord, stay on the straight and narrow path, PRAY PRAY PRAY 🙏 🤲
Praise God for teachers of God that helps us illuminate the gospel to state the stage for preparation for God’s return 🙏🛐✝️💖
Very true
Thank you for this word!
Always solid wisdom from this rabbi- thank you for sharing the truth 🙏🏻
God's plan is perfection. We were born for these days. Baruch haba bashem Adonai Yeshua Hamashiach 👑 🙌🛐
Hope?.. let's put this in a Spiritual perspective... " We have the Blessed Assurance of Almighty God that we have every spiritual Blessing in heavenly places in Christ." Endure to the end whatever end that may be... Be strong in The Lord and The Power of His Might... Thus saith The Lord of Hosts " For I am The Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear I will help you" ".
Awesome teacching
I do feel dark stuff around. Chaos all around. I read and enjoyed music ana went into the store and my eyes were trying to adjust. I fruit I felt the wonders of out God and it was like I came back I know Gods light is on me cuz I see people just stare at me and a few smiled and I believed they know. Amen. Riding in with my son in the semi studying things with new understanding of our works with different countries drivers driving. Bumps and bumps in these roads accidents everywhere storms Im various places ana out HIS IS NO DOUBT PROTECTING US. Amen the storms hit and we miss them. Our protection is real. Thankyou Jesus
Great msg than you Rabbi.
Thank you Rabi for your sound teachings, GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYSM
Amen 🌹
Jesus Christ Is The Bread of Life
Great teaching Rabbi.
Rabbi May The power of God continue be within you always..
I just finished your book “Revelation Decoded”. Excellent, excellent read Rabbi. Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤
Did it set dates? Was it all just about a future "end times?" I have trouble wanting to read people's interpretation of The Bible. I was told to interpret The Bible using only The Holy Spirit of God. But still, it is true that The Lord Jesus Christ did tell us about the end times. The Word which is both Spoken to the world and written to the world is greater than The Word which is not Spoken to the world but only written. John 1:1
God Speaks. God Lives.
So true Rabbi! Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the bible is getting to be the only ones we can count on for truth and what is real and to be trusted besides a few good Godly men of God left like you Rabbi! We are grateful for you! We must be ready for Jesus at anytime...I can feel the evil speeding up and greatly multiplying at a speed that is shocking and scary! But we have an inner peace knowing God is still in control. I feel it may very well be in our lifetime when He comes..if not, we will be coming back with Him soon! Either way..we are His and no one can take us out of God;s hand! In Jesus Name!
Amen Rabbi! Exactly. I hear Jesus in this message. Sad that there aren't more speaking the Bible truth. Maranatha Lord Jesus!✝️💜🇮🇱🕊️
Amen and amen ❤🙏❤
Amen Shalom Jesus Christ is coming 🙏🕊️
Thank you, brother!🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻
Amen Rabbi! We even as Christian's have a sense of entitlement with the Lord by making up our own rules. And because of this we must be vigilant as you said, and true to the word of God; not man!!! Peace be with you Rabbi!
So grateful for the resistance our new President brought into the light. May our Lord bless him.
I thought, I'm the only one who feels the frequent and intensity about this calamity, phenomenon, lawlessness, and wickedness. Now is the time to get right with God. 🎉
You're not the only one. Although in my humble opinion most are clueless or in denial. Praying for us. God Bless you and protect you..
Thank you and God Bless you❣️✝️💟
He is right in this message ❤
Dear Rabbi Schneider will you pray for me as I have suffered heart failure in January 2025, waiting to see Cardiac Nurse to help me through this stage of my life, I know Jesus I feel him, I am not scared to be with him. I know that my time has come to an end. 2 Timothy chap 4 verse 3 to 7. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇬🇧
Shalom @RichardsCollins-ie3yg,
We want you to know that we will be praying for you. Rabbi oversees our Prayer Team that meets to pray, in faith, for those that reach out to us.
God Bless,
The Discovering The Jewish Jesus Prayer Team
RABBI You just reminded me of what the Lord Warned in Revelation 22:18,19, the devils children are adding & taking out from God's Holy Word, Looking forward to be with the Lord beyond to Forever ❤😊 1John 5:2
Thank God for His word. We cling to it. Its all we really have. 🙏
At 17 mins in this is already happening in many churches - all people go to heaven whether or not they believe in Jesus. This is being preached
Praise the God
Amen and well said. Thank you for taking a stand publicly and standing on the truth of God's word.