Requests - SleepGirlASMR | SleepGirl ASMR | roseislava | Social Media Girls

Requests SleepGirlASMR | SleepGirl ASMR | roseislava

French ASMRtist

Patreon vids:
Any new vids?
I drink listerine
I drink listerine commented
yes i have all her patreon videos and even got her only fans stuff i was only waiting for you to reply with a completely unrelevant shit so every single person that is watching this thread can watch your so important notification i will be posting everything from her now thanks
Lancerarcher54 commented
What's her Onlyfans?
Hey guys if i'm pinging everyone i'm sorry but i have to do this. I bought 1 month ago her patreon as the current leaks are a bit outdated to import them into kemono for us. I followed the instructions given for patreon on kemono but it didn't worked. could somebody please help me? I could also upload it straight to bunkr, but I liked the system of kemono.

lmk :)
Pooz commented
Idk. I don't think kemono is working rn. At least not for anything besides di $ cord.
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GIYisReal commented
Bunkr, please
Kemono has been updated, props to who did it.

judentum commented
Oh nice it finally worked :D

I just checked my kemono account and saw that my key got added yesterday lmao
jdkenway commented
A bunkr mirror would be nice we don't want her to notice the abnormal amount of views
judentum commented
sooner or later she will notice it anyway. anyone is free to mirror it to bunkr but tbh i'm not going to do it as my latest experience with bunkr were really not that great and i dont have the time currently for it