Is Donald Trump leaving his favorite European leader in the lurch? | DW News

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 428

  • @Moekoffee2001
    @Moekoffee2001 2 дня назад +218

    Why would Hungary ever believe USA/USSR needs them?

    • @americanclip03proud
      @americanclip03proud 2 дня назад

      EU will never step away from their far left, liberal Ideologies. This is why they’re not a potential , equal partner to powerful Leaders.

    • @zawiszaczarny7876
      @zawiszaczarny7876 2 дня назад

      For the same reason you have absolutely noone from the other side of the debate in this propagandist peace, simple brainwashing monologue for simpletons to swollow, enjoy it ...

    • @JohnDoe-xz1mw
      @JohnDoe-xz1mw 2 дня назад +34

      well they kind of do, the amount of damage tiny hungary managed todo to europes opposition to mango mussolini and voldemort is quite remarkable, simply by its veto power in the eu definitly punching above its weight there, just unfortunatly for the wrong team.

    • @bierfuerall
      @bierfuerall 2 дня назад +9

      @@JohnDoe-xz1mw That is how the EU work, even a tiny Country has the right to oppose, otherwise Germany , France would dominate all the others

    • @JohnDoe-xz1mw
      @JohnDoe-xz1mw 2 дня назад +3

      @@bierfuerall im not complainign about the principal, im just saying hungary is alot more usefull to russia and the us as the original commenter seems to think

  • @bera0014
    @bera0014 2 дня назад +80

    Orban needs to understand that - It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.

    • @extraterrestrialfascisti7625
      @extraterrestrialfascisti7625 2 дня назад +3

      Quote is totally taken out of context in which Kissinger stated it.

    • @Petexy
      @Petexy 2 дня назад

      @@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 It's a quote from @bera0014 and it's just true. No one is quoting Kissinger.

    • @Sungamton
      @Sungamton День назад +6

      @@extraterrestrialfascisti7625 Yet still true in today's political climate.

    • @HarveySpecteSuits
      @HarveySpecteSuits День назад +1

      Brilliant said!

    • @Cradleling
      @Cradleling День назад

      @Sungamton No, it's absolutely not.

  • @DbBd-y5h
    @DbBd-y5h 2 дня назад +234

    Europe has to dump Orban and Fico!

    • @zan_maka
      @zan_maka 2 дня назад +5

      @DbBd-y5h EU developed a thick skin , avoiding any sort of responsibility for decades . EU has to stand up for its own survival . F. USSR is not dead yet . KGB is a crown of Ruski Vvorld

    • @wojteks4712
      @wojteks4712 2 дня назад +15

      Hungary has to dump Orban, if they had free media he would be already down. But I believe in them

    • @klausschumacher7126
      @klausschumacher7126 2 дня назад +6

      The people in the countries have to dump them by voting them out. It's not the job of the EU.

    • @micaeloliveira2727
      @micaeloliveira2727 2 дня назад +4

      Fico has been behaving 😂😂 he voted with European against Russia and against Orban

    • @kevinl8440
      @kevinl8440 2 дня назад +6

      Fico is just a weasel. He knows he represents a small weak country and desperately needs both EU and NATO. He will always back down when push comes to shove.

  • @henryhryckiewicz858
    @henryhryckiewicz858 2 дня назад +114

    Keep trump out of Europe.

    • @hannahsdrawings8664
      @hannahsdrawings8664 2 дня назад +1

      Let's relocate Ukraine to Canada, Ukrainians don't want to live in Ukraine anyhow. Europe needs peace.

    • @ramsestoo
      @ramsestoo 2 дня назад +7

      Keep trump out of The World

    • @ramsestoo
      @ramsestoo 2 дня назад +4

      @hannahsdrawings8664 Europe needs peace from Trump

    • @DJdzhinnpro641
      @DJdzhinnpro641 День назад +1

      Just make sure EUROPEANS are ready to take on Putin or else don't come crying to us... Whether Europe falls apart or loses, isn't my concern.

    • @tfbrooks1668
      @tfbrooks1668 День назад

      @@henryhryckiewicz858 Europe is a cesspool of corruption Donald is actually making his country better what are eu leaders doing that's so great exactly?

  • @Joey-ct8bm
    @Joey-ct8bm 2 дня назад +145

    The far right is dying now in Europe. We have Wilders in the Netherlands who is dropping like crazy in the polls. Lost 7 seats in the polls since Trump took office and everybody thinks they drop even further now. Our politics in the Netherlands is a absolute mess since Rearm Europe. We've a coalition who favorability rating is now 16% and a split coalition on the debt brake. New elections a gonna happen soon here and the far right PVV is gonna lose. This coalition is not gonna make the summer. Wilders is a friend of Orban.

    • @spxram4793
      @spxram4793 2 дня назад

      Exactly. Now that everybody sees Trump and his South African fascist lapdog Musk on open display, sane people get their sh together. Wilders will change his talking, as always, to surf along - I wish the Nederlanders see through him..

    • @Kiyuja
      @Kiyuja 2 дня назад +21

      yeah I think populists will have a much harder time, now that Europe comes together big time. Its for the better anyways and I hope we can use the newly re-discovered unity to prosper together, like we should

    • @godspeed2939
      @godspeed2939 2 дня назад

      So Wilders in a far right. Your country is majority far right?

    • @americanclip03proud
      @americanclip03proud 2 дня назад +8

      @@Kiyuja Nope, it’s the opposite. The EU will face problems they’ve never seen before. Wait and see…🇺🇸🙋🏻‍♀️

    • @emazjassam2452
      @emazjassam2452 2 дня назад +2

      ​@@KiyujaEU will never unite...only in summits but in reality it's difficult

  • @hauer54
    @hauer54 2 дня назад +74

    Viktor Orban, you're betting on the wrong horse... only a question of time and it will horribly backfire!

    • @VadimRadtchenko
      @VadimRadtchenko 2 дня назад +2

      Well, you bet on Zelya from North Korea 2, so...

    • @lkasfhgkasdodasfgn
      @lkasfhgkasdodasfgn День назад +2

      Betting on the wrong horse, unfortunately, is a Hungarian tradition.

    • @spxram4793
      @spxram4793 15 часов назад

      Hungary here. He is closely aligned with Kremlin and KGB since 1987, and acts like that. He will be overcome.

  • @amplepharm3507
    @amplepharm3507 2 дня назад +53

    When trump repeatedly says putin and orban are my great friends. .. it is a clear message to Ukraine and EU....

    • @thewholetruth5473
      @thewholetruth5473 2 дня назад +2

      Could you please provide some sort of citation for your lie that President Trump called Putin His "great friend".

    • @razi-elinho
      @razi-elinho 2 дня назад

      @@thewholetruth5473 The 40% increase in the Russian ruble since Trump came to power, along with everything he did, doesn’t ring any bells?
      MAGA = Moscow Agents Governing America starting with Trump, Musk, Gabbard, Vance and so on, and so on. Only an ignorant can't see the truth.

    • @amplepharm3507
      @amplepharm3507 2 дня назад

      @thewholetruth5473 Kremlin says Putin and Trump understand and trust each other
      By Reuters
      March 19, 202512:40 PM GMT+1Updated 5 days ago

    • @cinmanmoo
      @cinmanmoo 2 дня назад +1

      @@thewholetruth5473 Ya really how can a guy who controls you be a friend??

    • @Call-me-Rose-d6s
      @Call-me-Rose-d6s 2 дня назад +2

      @@thewholetruth5473 whatever their bromance is, he looks up to him. Period.

  • @kristofbarczi5332
    @kristofbarczi5332 День назад +10

    As a hungarian i think this is a pretty accurate descreption of the situation. Orban did bet on Trump hard, but everybody knew that Trump would dump him as soon as he doesn’t need him. Now that he feels that his power is in danger, and Trump won, he feels that now is the time to radicalize his regime even more.😢

    • @andyreznick
      @andyreznick День назад +2

      Best of luck to Hungary, Kristo.

    • @kristofbarczi5332
      @kristofbarczi5332 День назад +2

      @@andyreznick Thank you man! Just sad that a leader like that can ruin a countrys reputation and now the entite world thinks that about us hungarians. I guess it feels similar for a democrat now, or a non Trump supporter in the US😭

  • @JSrg8ix
    @JSrg8ix День назад +9

    No honor among thieves. They will backstab each other the minute the other is of no use to them.

  • @williamcavanagh8982
    @williamcavanagh8982 2 дня назад +37

    It looks like he's been eating very well also...

    • @Analog_Soul
      @Analog_Soul 2 дня назад +10

      He's about to give birth

    • @KevinAdams26
      @KevinAdams26 День назад +4

      @@Analog_Soul To quadruplets??

    • @Analog_Soul
      @Analog_Soul День назад +1

      @KevinAdams26 yes sir! 🤣

    • @Agnesbasel
      @Agnesbasel День назад +2


  • @katenoke1571
    @katenoke1571 2 дня назад +19

    Trump sees Orban as a loser now

  • @neilhamilton1034
    @neilhamilton1034 2 дня назад +50

    Some of it is Europe's fault by not kicking Hungary out of EU and up to now giving Millions of EU per year for a poor economy...which Orban has used to assist his undermining of Hungary. It would be more appropriate to have Orban beg US for those funds.

    • @JorisVanEysendeyk
      @JorisVanEysendeyk 2 дня назад

      the EU cant kick a member out.
      but they can take away voting right and funding.
      should be done years ago

    • @astranger448
      @astranger448 2 дня назад +4

      Well, most of the EU was once on the receiving end of a German 'visit'. Germany is a very respected member of the union because they were also not punished for the deeds of their leader. The EU will have to figure out a way to work round political arsonists but kicking out Hungary? Great union, one where they kick out a whole country because of one guy. Poland was on the wrong track. They kicked out the problem and that was the end of it. Hungary can do the same.

    • @chaoticmind176
      @chaoticmind176 2 дня назад +2

      @@astranger448 agreed about not punishing a country bc of 1 guy but until then Eu must just suspend Hungary. With a suspension you send a clear msg that you are sick and tired of that 1 guy.

    • @rekaroob2589
      @rekaroob2589 2 дня назад +1

      ​@@astranger448 yes but keep in mind that Orbán changed the constitution and the electoral system so even if next year he loses the popular vote he can still remain prime minister

    • @yespls6260
      @yespls6260 2 дня назад +1

      Not really sure how they can kick Hungary out of the EU tho

  • @MultiOranuch
    @MultiOranuch 2 дня назад +47

    Victor Orban has already made more trouble to EU membership and Policy since 2010. Why EU & Nato need Hungary?
    Best Wishes from SWEDEN

    • @olavdemonnink7299
      @olavdemonnink7299 2 дня назад +1

      Because a lot of great people lif there

    • @Chixbythesea
      @Chixbythesea 2 дня назад +1

      EU was much better when they stuck to their original purpose of facilitating trade between member states. Now they’re up in everybody’s shorts.

    • @ArnaudMEURET
      @ArnaudMEURET 2 дня назад +3

      @ChixbytheseaEU’s original purpose is not trade. It’s peace, through trade. Ostracizing Hungary will crystallize Putin’s antagonistic rhetoric ! Hungary must stay in European Union. EU must pressure the current Hungarian regime using its internal rules. Also as an example for other authoritarian leaders in Europe who contemplate following Orban’s tactics.

    • @ArnaudMEURET
      @ArnaudMEURET 2 дня назад

      @ChixbytheseaEU’s original purpose is not trade. It’s peace, through trade. Ostracizing Hungary will crystallize Putin’s antagonistic rhetoric ! Hungary must stay in European Union. EU must pressure the current Hungarian regime using its internal rules. Also as an example for other authoritarian leaders in Europe who contemplate following Orban’s tactics.

    • @DJdzhinnpro641
      @DJdzhinnpro641 День назад

      Gonna ask you this, why did Sweden and Finland joined NATO when Russia threats are getting too much for you to handle?

  • @GheorgheVasile-p1q
    @GheorgheVasile-p1q 2 дня назад +20

    Hungary is V columns within Europe of Putin and Trump

  • @nomnomNACHO
    @nomnomNACHO День назад +4

    As a Hungarian I am ashamed of what Orbàn has done to our country. He is a coward and a criminal and the sad thing there is nothing really the EU can do about it without hurting the people of Hungary ( which would give ammunition to Orbàn to further deepen its rotten roots).
    Orbán is aware of this and further uses Hungarians as human shield basically.

  • @varcoliciulalex
    @varcoliciulalex 2 дня назад +34

    So... it's a "what have you done for me lately" relationship

    • @marcokalle2452
      @marcokalle2452 День назад

      "I don't see no ring on this finger?!"

  • @RationalAUS
    @RationalAUS 2 дня назад +22

    As an Australian, I'm confused why Hungry hasn't been kicked out. Is there a mechanism for this?

    • @80s_kid
      @80s_kid 2 дня назад

      The Hungarian people are clearly pro-EU, they have no intention of leaving it or even obstructing it. (There are a few idiots, but idiots are everywhere.) The Hungarian government is not equal to the Hungarian people. Hungarians are fed up with 15 years of corruption and lies by the current government. They are fed up with poor healthcare, poor education, a declining economy, inflation and our government being the black sheep of the EU. You can rightly ask why they were able to stay for 15 years. The reasons are complex, largely propaganda, but there are other factors as well. The '26 election will be a serious milestone in Hungary-EU relations.

    • @hans-gerhardelster5045
      @hans-gerhardelster5045 2 дня назад

      Unfortunately not. A country can be expelled only by unanimous vote of ALL member countries, including the one to be kicked out. The only remedies left are withholding of EU funding, withdrawal of voting rights and appeals to the EU courts.

    • @Crashyocean
      @Crashyocean 2 дня назад +4

      The only mechanism is if all member states vote it. It's hard to achieve cause there's another almost similar leader Fico from Slovakia who would not vote for that.

    • @janjasiewicz9851
      @janjasiewicz9851 День назад +5

      no there is no mechanism (like NATO) , the EU can suspend voting rights and withhold EU funds (which Orban desperately needs).

    • @tiborpataki749
      @tiborpataki749 День назад +1

      Short answer: BMW, Mercedes, Audi etc all run their business in Hungary.

  • @waymaker787
    @waymaker787 День назад +7

    It's not really related to the topic, but Budapest seems a beautiful city😮

  • @phillipblack
    @phillipblack 2 дня назад +21

    This version of Hungary has no place in the EU. The sorting hat got it wrong.

  • @martonkovacs5932
    @martonkovacs5932 День назад +3

    who would have thought Trump dumps Orban ??? Everyone with a common sense

  • @123_1
    @123_1 2 дня назад +28

    Hungarian voter are responible in the first place, but EU has a big part of responsibility too because they did too little too late. They could stop Orbans systematic building of dictatorship when first signs appeared, but they just payed him and did not suspend voting rights. Now he has a very well build up power system, I see very little chance to make him go peacefully.

    • @Zima49
      @Zima49 2 дня назад

      Why EU is bringing Ukrainian nation of Ukraine higher then Hungarians and Russians, they are not immigrants, living on lands gifted to Ukrainians

    • @thinkingabouttgcg
      @thinkingabouttgcg 2 дня назад

      dude, you are mental accusing the "voters" in a dictatorship. i guess you are aware that in a dictatorship the dictator makes sure he stays in power through various methods. after he built up his system the "voters" have a really slim chance to overthrow a dictator, especially through legal means.

    • @kamillaszocs
      @kamillaszocs День назад

      Can you really blame people who live under the poverty line and their only entertainment is the media channels that they have access to (owned by the Hungarian government). They receive a bag of potatoes or 3 euros a month before the election, and they are constantly kept in fear that if they don’t vote for Orban the world will end?

    • @tomtsch6057
      @tomtsch6057 6 часов назад +1

      Gerrymandering curbed that, Orban rules supermajority with only 3m of the votes out of 8m.

  • @viktorjeney358
    @viktorjeney358 2 дня назад +13

    Quality journalism!

  • @tophat593
    @tophat593 2 дня назад +41

    What Hungary needs is Art 7, suspension of voting rights on the Council.

    • @csat1078
      @csat1078 2 дня назад +6

      why exactly? Because they dare to have their own opinion?

    • @csat1078
      @csat1078 2 дня назад +2

      @tophat593 you are radiating soviet vibes... watch the movie The Death of Stalin (2017) regarding "the commitee as one".

    • @Chixbythesea
      @Chixbythesea 2 дня назад

      It was interesting to watch Ursula withhold Covid funds from Hungary. I’m sure that impressed the Hungarian population.
      -From So Cal, USA (not Russian vibes).

    • @tophat593
      @tophat593 2 дня назад +1

      @@csat1078 Democratic backsliding

    • @yasaralamin1246
      @yasaralamin1246 День назад +1

      ​@@tophat593 democracy means rule of the majority not veto for everyone.

  • @rjScubaSki
    @rjScubaSki 2 дня назад +16

    I think Meloni will steer clear of looking too close to Trump

  • @andreadalcortivo747
    @andreadalcortivo747 2 дня назад +25

    kick Orban outside UE

  • @SabineWald_NowHere
    @SabineWald_NowHere День назад +5

    Budapest might be the most beautiful city in the world. I felt safest there as a solo traveller. I cannot say the same for any other EU country full of the impoted troublemakers. Just speaking from personal experiences.

  • @paolofutre4426
    @paolofutre4426 2 дня назад +11

    Anyone who lays in bed with Trump ends up with fleas. 😂😂😂 Ask Elon Musk. 😂😂😂😂

  • @Hammer1972
    @Hammer1972 2 дня назад +25

    Get Hungary out of the EU. Pure reaction to progress.

  • @rosarosa6353
    @rosarosa6353 2 дня назад +4

    According to Trump's pragmatic strategy, he is a purely self-interested person. The question for the Hungarians is what would Trump gain from the support or opposition of a weak country like Hungary, whose presence or absence in NATO will not affect anything

  • @ska5568
    @ska5568 2 дня назад +6

    Trump doesn't need Oban to talk to Putin 😂😂😂

  • @blackpack9616
    @blackpack9616 9 часов назад +1

    Orbán's regime is what would I call a Sociopathic Autocracy.

    • @SulyokBerc
      @SulyokBerc 9 часов назад

      And cleptokracy. 40.000 m Euro at the pocket since 2010:)

  • @tobiasrenlund1643
    @tobiasrenlund1643 2 дня назад +20

    Please EU can we finally kick out Hungary from the EU

    • @rekaroob2589
      @rekaroob2589 2 дня назад

      Do you want a Russian puppet state in the middle of Europe? I doubt so

    • @Archanox
      @Archanox 2 дня назад +4

      I think sideline until the next election and then decide what's gonna happen next.

    • @bluntslap
      @bluntslap 2 дня назад +7

      kick a whole country out because on one rotten leader? are you ok?

    • @SimonMester
      @SimonMester 2 дня назад +1

      Considering they are seriously asking about kicking an EU country, no they arent okay. ​@@bluntslap

    • @tfbrooks1668
      @tfbrooks1668 2 дня назад +2

      Says Mr nobody

  • @oosidewalkoo
    @oosidewalkoo День назад +1

    *France's Alt-Right RN (Le Pen / Bardella) is going down-down to a speed we didn't even dream of.*

  • @emilschattner3407
    @emilschattner3407 2 дня назад +5

    It seems to me, stupidity is going full circle now, not only in America, but also across Europe. Well, I just wait and see if common sense will be given a slight chance to survive.

  • @TogtherWeThrive
    @TogtherWeThrive 7 часов назад +1

    Evil trio!

  • @europe-is-great
    @europe-is-great 2 дня назад +2

    I am still hoping that Orban doesn’t lower himself to the level of the likes as Nigel Farage

  • @bamdadkhan
    @bamdadkhan День назад

    finally Fanni is not shouting off the top of her head : )

  • @normathomas1356
    @normathomas1356 День назад +1

    Why cant Hungary be kicked out of EU ?

  • @1952RONALD
    @1952RONALD 2 дня назад +3

    Orban gave them his playbook

  • @Leodiazz
    @Leodiazz День назад +2

    @DW News - Could you look into Republika Srpska’s link to Hungary and China’s €4B investment in the Balkans? A deeper dive could really help uncover the bigger picture here… Bosnia & Herzegovina is at the center of something major-Orbán and Xi are playing the long game, and most people aren’t even seeing it. Greetings from Ireland ☘

  • @olorin4317
    @olorin4317 День назад

    Orban played his part during the campaign. Likely delivered their Vladdy’s instructions.

  • @80s_kid
    @80s_kid 2 дня назад +3

    Fatty will likely lose in '26.

  • @sachinp5934
    @sachinp5934 2 дня назад +1

    nice, minimal style of animation, i like the parallax photos.

  • @hans-gerhardelster5045
    @hans-gerhardelster5045 2 дня назад

    The Orban playbook worked very well in a smallish country with little more than ten, fifteen years of experience in democracy while the EU was largely looking the other way. The idea that the same agenda will play out just as well in a country the size of the US and with 250 years of getting used to democracy, seems preposterous.

  • @allneedsomelight
    @allneedsomelight День назад +2

    Orban is the shame of Hungary.

  • @scanpolar
    @scanpolar 5 часов назад

    Orban out ! Show him the road!

  • @kaiying74
    @kaiying74 День назад

    The EU shouldn't have expanded to include these countries that bring nothing to the table.

  • @ihavenoidea4727
    @ihavenoidea4727 2 дня назад +5

    Both paid by Putin btw lmao

  • @BurningFlame1999
    @BurningFlame1999 2 дня назад +10

    1:45 - Shapiro, Weinstein and Scheiring… what a COINCIDENCE

    • @kenake8465
      @kenake8465 2 дня назад +2

      Bingo. The people are noticing finally.

  • @FOROW99
    @FOROW99 2 дня назад +8

    Another dictator love affair.. Our Lapdog.

  • @gabrielk2295
    @gabrielk2295 День назад

    Very interesting. The shift from Orban to Meloni and Afd is very clear.
    The shift of Europe versus Trump is very clear too

    • @xena2559
      @xena2559 День назад +1

      Not Europe. The EU

    • @gabrielk2295
      @gabrielk2295 День назад

      @xena2559 not even the EU, : France Germany Sweden Danemark ... and Great Britain!

    • @xena2559
      @xena2559 День назад +1

      @@gabrielk2295 you're right. I wouldn't be sure about the UK.

    • @gabrielk2295
      @gabrielk2295 День назад

      @xena2559 i feel that the time are so tumultuous everything is possible! I do not believe in any prediction these days :)
      Have a good day! Good talking with you

    • @xena2559
      @xena2559 День назад

      @@gabrielk2295 you too 👍

  • @martonkovacs5932
    @martonkovacs5932 День назад

    We can say Orban was cuckholded in retrospect 😂

  • @zan_maka
    @zan_maka 2 дня назад +3

    even albania doesn't go doing dumb rouge stuff as hungeriye does .

    •  2 дня назад

      Were is albanania

  • @SirGalahard
    @SirGalahard День назад

    Viktor Orban is not right, he will be right.

  • @nullv01d
    @nullv01d 5 часов назад

    Why do they always compare Meloni to these guys? I din't get an impression that she far right at all, she's just a center-right populist. After all, all politics becomes populist politics in the age of internet. Am I wrong?
    P.S. I'm not Italian.

  • @ActionThisDay-m2z
    @ActionThisDay-m2z 11 часов назад

    Viktor had his 15 minutes of fame.

  • @nickmadgwick7048
    @nickmadgwick7048 2 дня назад +2

    USSA/USSR one and the same

  • @kremlinmorons101
    @kremlinmorons101 2 дня назад +2

    great orban economic achievement 450 forints = 1€✌

  • @RorkesDriftVC
    @RorkesDriftVC День назад

    Trump ❤️ Trump. There's a reason Trump has no close personal friends.

  • @goodvibes9611
    @goodvibes9611 День назад

    Hungary and Slovakia out of EU, and let’s make EU great again!

  • @ulindmark
    @ulindmark День назад

    Nonsense. Orban and Trump are great pals.

  • @michaelpilos
    @michaelpilos День назад

    VO is so done.. and he doesn’t even know it.. but we love Hungary!

  • @European-antinazi
    @European-antinazi 8 часов назад

    Recent events have made clear that Europe needs to speak with a single strong voice. Russia by now is a lost cause. If America wants to do business, let them come to Brussels. We shouldn’t visit a Washington that gives us insults.

  • @Corsuwey
    @Corsuwey День назад

    Orban and Erdogan need to go if those countries want to remain in NATO.

  • @salamanders6969
    @salamanders6969 День назад

    Europe will deteriorate into oblivion unless they find Modus Vivendi between the US and Russia.

  • @joetigo2928
    @joetigo2928 День назад

    He has no cards to play 👌🏻

  • @CoffeenSpice
    @CoffeenSpice 14 часов назад

    2:30 it is not "inclusive social thinking" it is just WOK 😂

  • @abc_cba
    @abc_cba 2 дня назад +7

    Please, cover the news how Comedian Kunal Kamra is being assaulted for his dissent and parody on our Indian d1ctator$h1p.

    • @hannahsdrawings8664
      @hannahsdrawings8664 2 дня назад

      Sovietization of the world means it will be less and less freedom of speech.

  • @samanthaw4955
    @samanthaw4955 17 часов назад +1

    Let’s not forget the EU is pathetic 😂 I’m just quoting the US Secretary of defence 😂

  • @erikitter6773
    @erikitter6773 2 дня назад +4

    Hungary has 1/4 of the Netherlands' GDP. Orban is playing a dangerous game of blackmail within the EU hoping there is nobody in the EU saying enough, ever. There are a view guys thinking to be much more powerful than they are currently. If they keep dialing up the tension something will break soon -- and once systems break they reveal real power, of which there isn't much in Hungary, let alone Serbia. Mistaking believes in rules, law, some fairness, ... for weakness is a fatal error. Sure, the others will suffer, too. But it won't be the members of EU largely playing by the rules (including the foundational consensus [sadly some things assumed to clear to ever have been put into rules are now being refused in blackmailing]) and having about 50 times the economic power that might be going down hard if push comes to shove. Hungary, landlocked, is really absurd to take the position of trying to play the super powers against each other and be the winner in the end -- delusional.

    • @xena2559
      @xena2559 День назад

      It's the EU blackmailing with the immigration pact and green deal

  • @ArtDyoz
    @ArtDyoz День назад

    is well known giorgia meloni is the trump's ambassador in the EU while matteo salvini, italian vicepremier, is on putin's party paycheck

  • @andreasgrunder7003
    @andreasgrunder7003 17 часов назад

    Drain money to Hungary

  • @SimR-c2w
    @SimR-c2w День назад +1

    No more dictators in Europe !!

  • @Your-political-scientist
    @Your-political-scientist 2 дня назад

    Very well done!

  • @spxram4793
    @spxram4793 15 часов назад

    Orbán is closely aligned with Putin since 2009. He follows Putin's handbook of state capture, which was also the intention of Trump for his first term, after taking KGB help to win the election. Trump had too many checks and balances, hence he had to ask KGB again, to help him into power in 2024 - and now he also intends to refer to the same state capture handbook. Orban thinks, that he can play a "KGB intermediary" role.
    I do not agree to the cited analyst's opinion on Orbán harming Trump's interests : both of them are controlled by the Kremlin. They act in a coordinated manner.

  • @HenrikVendelbo
    @HenrikVendelbo День назад

    If I have learned anything recently it is that too many EU politicians and perhaps a majority of journalists are slow thinkers. They are just not able to think outside their sandbox of squabbling politics. When Fascism comes knocking they are like pigs in a headlight. Luckily there are exceptions, so we might still have a chance to learn to stand up straight and drop the notion that we need to hug everybody until they agree with us.

  • @AlmostGodess
    @AlmostGodess День назад +1

    Great reportage, thank you!

  • @felicitatislibertatisque
    @felicitatislibertatisque 2 дня назад +4

    Let's all ignore Orban and make him irrelevant.

  • @HubaDubaDu
    @HubaDubaDu 2 дня назад +1

    Very educational

  • @Attila-bs1rt
    @Attila-bs1rt День назад +4

    again DW. on the propaganda as allways

  • @VadimRadtchenko
    @VadimRadtchenko 2 дня назад +1

    Let's hope that Macron won't stop embracing Zelya in public, that love bloomed and we are waiting for its fruits!

  • @akadukhum000
    @akadukhum000 День назад +1

    The USA is in North America, not Europe. Why should someone care about other countries’ issues? The European mentality seems to be that the USA should protect them and also give them money in exchange for nothing-an illogical mindset.

  • @ralphvandereb66
    @ralphvandereb66 2 дня назад

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle back. Forget it you are dreaming .

  • @bf4070
    @bf4070 2 дня назад

    Attracting for who ? that’s bad from such a source

  • @3x157
    @3x157 День назад +1

    Jaja, people literally want Trump's approval? Is this the case? Trump will be out in 4 years earlier if we are lucky.

  • @1kiscica
    @1kiscica День назад

    Ugyanúgy, ahogy mondtad, hogy káó, próbáld meg azt is, hogy áneszli

  • @zan_maka
    @zan_maka 2 дня назад +1

    oh , hungeriye !

  • @alicelund147
    @alicelund147 2 дня назад

    Shouldn't it not be much harder to turn USA in to a oligarchy than Hungary? USA is a old democracy while Hungary don't really have that tradition. Hungary just tried for 20 years when Orban got power.

    • @andyv6299
      @andyv6299 2 дня назад

      Isn't USA a Republic not a democracy

    • @zinjanthropus322
      @zinjanthropus322 2 дня назад

      You don't know much about US political history.

    • @lindaSmith6588
      @lindaSmith6588 2 дня назад +1

      The US is going to have to fight hard for the our Democracy!!!

    • @xena2559
      @xena2559 День назад

      ​@@andyv6299wow, and they have democratic elections

  • @paulcasey5204
    @paulcasey5204 2 дня назад

    Why not, hes screwed over everybody else?

  • @corrosivespirit
    @corrosivespirit День назад

    For people in the comments who say, "just kick them out", keep in mind you have to kick every country in the future where a right-wing party gets in power.
    Germany votes in AFD next election cycle? Kick them out too!
    The reason EU doesn't do it, because it would set a really bad precedent, and it would spell the beginning of the end for the EU.
    The Hungarian opposition is getting stronger and stronger, the country can be saved yet hopefully.

  • @bgcvetan
    @bgcvetan 2 дня назад

    lInch, not lurch.

  • @frcluc
    @frcluc День назад

    The leak from the Signal group chat further confirms the Trump administration's contempt against Europe.

  • @PatC1
    @PatC1 2 дня назад

    Who's listening to crazy bed head guy. 😅

  • @sunflash9
    @sunflash9 2 дня назад


  • @SunisaSeeson
    @SunisaSeeson День назад


  • @ranjeettunes
    @ranjeettunes 2 дня назад

    Might get eaten tryna catch two tigers by the tail.🤔

  • @stephrainer
    @stephrainer День назад

    Another impartial "news" from DW "News". Okay. :D

  • @marshdani3068
    @marshdani3068 2 дня назад +1

    People different. Mod dictator on

  • @naughtyrocks2425
    @naughtyrocks2425 День назад

    Trump is the karma of eu😂

  • @lindaSmith6588
    @lindaSmith6588 2 дня назад

    Trump is not good at details.