Joker Wedding - SNL
- Опубликовано: 18 мар 2025
- A wedding goes off the rails when the best man shows up in costume.
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#SNL #JackHarlow #SNL48
lol same why didnt that get a bigger laugh?!
@@notapc007 I think Heidi is starting to break a little during this rant lol
Yep. That was the top line.
Same here!!!! 😂
I was hoping he would follow that up with “Hell, I almost dressed like joker, myself.” Otherwise, yes, great line.
I swear, this sketch was based simply on the hysterical way that Andrew Dismukes says "Joker." I have watched it over and over and it cracks me up. And great job by Jack Harlow and Heidi.
His Texas was showing 😄
That and watching Heidi struggle to not break character for 5 minutes. 😂😂😂😂
He’s also great In Kitchen Staff. He felt misplaced in the new David S pumpkins sketch so that’s why everybody was tough on him lately.
The way Heidi and Andrew kept saying it seemed like they were trying to out do each other.
Exactly 💯
Heidi always nails every character she portrays. What a great actress and comedian.
and being stunning doing it
Excited for her to shed this show and really thrive
And she genuinely looked beautiful
She really did. She looked like the cover of a bridal magazine.
THe ratings are the worst ever for SNL. Yeh, she is great
As a resident of Kentucky I fully co-sign this sketch 😂
fellow kentuckian here 😂 same same. but i feel like grandma should def have been mamaw 💯
@@emilyroseprats i am so sorry for both of you
Louisville here!! Love you Jack!
Maybe a little over-exaggeration of Kentucky, but I loved it!
J3wish people wondering why Kanyes words are resonating...
This is the most random thing I've seen in quite a while and I really enjoyed it. The commitment to the unhinged energy is what made it.
Exactly. They killed this.
I'm immediately rewatching this nonsense 😆
Random- if you're not from the south lol
Agree. Well said.
I agree. I enjoy these kinds of random sketches too.
It's not that complex of a skit, but everyone's commitment in at 200% and those accents really sells it and elevates the comedy. Really great job.
Excellent and valid analysis
I love when it finally cuts to Andrew dressed like Joker and he's all offended that Heidi is mad cause he dressed like Joker
he's completely dumbfounded that him dressed as Joker ruined the whole wedding!
Like confused 🤣
He got erry right t'be offended at her tryna be mad at him for dressin' like Jowkur WHY YA GON' GET MARRIED ON HALLOWEEN IF YA DON'T WANT SUMBODY DRESS LIKE JOWKUR???
all come cause he dressed like joe-ker?
For absolutely no stupid reason whatsoever this is one of the best sketches ever
It's in how we interpret the subtext. But, yeah, it is pretty funny.
Fun Fact: They said the word Joker 39 times in this sketch. That averages out to approximately 1 Joker every 15 seconds.
To clarify, this is based on total run time. If you go from first "joker" to the start of the end card, you get an average of 1 Joker every ~8 seconds
So don't take a drink every time they say Joker?
@@IvyLyons I don't care as long as it gives me an inside straight
these are the stats we need
The whole sketch was one big JOKE tho!
I think “everybody in here should get to vote on if I get to be not be Joker no more” is a beautiful line lol.
I'd say yes to that dress.
That dress alone is reason enough to get married.
Heidi is killing it in that dress OMG!
I know!!! Love love the dress!!
Bitch depends some food
She has a lovely figure.
Yeah, she looks REALLY good.
popping out of it
Jack Harlow is a pretty good actor. He really remembers his lines in every skit.
There are cue cards... For all actors.
@@jayedith9398 I'm well aware of that but I don't see him looking at them like many of the others do when they guest host on the show.
Yeah but look at Jack while he’s reciting his lines compared to when Andrew does. Jack actually looks like he’s addressing the cast mate, Andrew looks like he’s speaking to the cue card
Yea he did this sketch well
@@kennethmary9652 He did really well, jack really did his thing on SNL plus the new writers are really good
This sketch was WAY funnier than I expected or needed it to be
As funny as David S. Pumpkins?
@@SarahNGeti yes
@@SarahNGeti that one wasn't funny
Read this comment before watching the sketch. You are right.
Jfc be quiet
For some reason the fact that no one once uses the definite article before "Joker" really ties this sketch together.
To be fair, the movie is called “Joker” not “The Joker”. Just sayin
@@therollband1290Yeah but the costume is clearly from "The Dark Knight" in which they mostly refer to him as "The Joker"
Best part of the sketch is when James Austin Johnson says "we will now vote on... Joker"
Conspiracy theory: this is jack’s real voice
he's from Louisville, that's the accent, a little more out in the hills/appalacia level. bet he calls it "Lullville"
I mean they chose a southern skit because it was an accent that would come natural to him. So maybe at one point in his life
It is not a conspiracy theory. Hes literally from the South
@@jayedith9398 okay maybe i should explain the joke a little. I’m saying jack harlow puts on the voice/accent that he normally uses (the one from the monologue) to appeal to his intended audience rather than sounding like a good ol’ boy from the backwoods of Kentucky (which would be his natural accent)
jack killed this actually LMAO they normally don’t give non comedian hosts this many lines but he’s so good!!
I could have watched Heidi and Andrew saying "dressed like the Joker" for the whole sketch.
So that WAS Andrew
There's no "the."
You basically did.
@@TheSunnydeni , I wondered about that too. Andrew D. so rarely registers at all on this show.
@@johncrook2162 Andrew is a gem and he makes each sketch he is in.
I love that he doesn't even wanna be Joker because of the movie but because he saw somebody dressed like Joker last Halloween.
I wish I could have seen the writers room for this.
almost a classic!
Hell, I'd love to see why the writers think any of the stuff they write these days is even worth doing.
It was a three minute session where they were just like “hey let’s have him refuse to take off the Joker costume. So what do you guys want to talk about for the remaining two and a half minutes?”
The hosts are pitched with various ideas from the cast writers, and choose what they want, or bring their own material... Harlow had a choice of dozens of ideas, this is one he chose.
To stop them from doing it?
Until Heidi mentioned it on Fallon, I did not realize that Dismsukes wrote this and was a writer before performing. I have a whole new respect for the guy.
Joker in a southern accent, hilarious
Thus the entire premise of this sketch 😊 snl strikes again.
As someone who lives in the South, people say "JOkurr" JUST like that
@@LeoP2008 A dialect is not a funny sketch.
As someone from Lexington, KY it is hilarious and spot on 😂
This sketch was already ridiculous but whoever added Jeff Probst on top of it killed me. 🤣
I agree.... when they included him, it put this sketch over the top!🤣
(shaking) "I'll be damned if you don't look exactly like Jokerrr!"
I'm dying.
This killed me too! Like she is ADAMANT, OK?!
I lost it there, grandma was so funny
I was reading your comment exactly as she was saying the line
That grandma probably would be damned if that guy doesn't even looks like the Joaquin Phoenix version of Joker.
Sarah's sheer determination to shake those glasses off her face deserves the Emmy.
MikesPants she was hilarious but the character was a little ageist. They pretty much are saying "This will be YOU someday if you live that long".
Heidi tried not to laugh the whole sketch,she's so gorgeous 🥰
She did so good not laughing tho 😂😂😂
Love ha
Thinking she’s pretty is the funniest thing I’ve heard. 😂😂😂😂😂
@@deathbeforedecaf7755 I don't think,I know
Everyone in this skit deserves an oscar for their acting. This is the best SNL skit I have seen in years!!!
And what exactly was the part that made you laugh? Oh I know when they repeated the same name 39 times. Really just incredible writing
Have you been hit in the head repeatedly? There was not a single joke in this sketch. Just grown ups making fun of people from KY.
It seems like we are giving out Oscar's for anything now a days 😅
hell no they don't, those accents were pitiful
Hi. You shouldn’t be allowed to share your opinions about humor ever again.
Lesson of the story: If you want a serious wedding, don't get married on Halloween.
If i ever decided to spend money on a frivolous event, id totally have it on halloweeen night just to get a Joker!
Or at least inform your guests that costumes are appropriate for the reception but to keep the ceremony formal. But best to lean in to Halloween if planning to get married on Oct 31.
Anyone getting married on Halloween is also going to forever celebrate their anniversary on Halloween, so think carefully before you do this.
Or anyway near before or after Halloween.
I love it. The domestic disputes are already starting! It's like they're already married. 😂
Hilarious! It's so Kentucky the names like Clint, Doody, Bekah & Tag fit perfect and the way they're saying JO-kur =excellent
And there us always Jokers T Every Wedding!!!!!!!
No one does disgust like Heidi….
This is basically one joke told a dozen different times and it's hilarious every time
Fever dream SNL sketches are always the best
I agree. This, however, is not one of those.
Come on man … not the best
"This place could have been crawling with jokers" 😂
That Joker part screams of Kyle Mooney 😂
I had to remind myself it wasn't him the entire time
Too bad it wasn't him.
Dismukes has certainly come into his own as a the crazy one in sketches. Makes it hard to have him as the straight man when he is so good at being the fun crazy one
Yeah NO. I was so done with Mooney seasons back and it was a horror show that he outlasted Beck, who CARRIED HIM LIKE A TINY BABY. Dismukes FTW!
Tim Robinson would blow that out of the water
Heidi is an absolute joy to watch and makes every sketch memorable!
Andrew Dismukes is killin' it on SNL!! Best Southern accent. PS my grandma's name is Judy so this was extra special
His Texan accent shined through!
OMG the costume dept had fun with this one. Cousin Becky LMAO!
Jack Harlow is a pretty good actor!
That part. Very impressive. Better than some pro actors.
I’m impressed that he kept it together yell-explaining to her that “it’s Halloween and we gotta respect that some people are gonna come to the wedding dresses like joker!”😂
@@Kitchdmn3 We’re lucky we only got ONE joker!
Snl doesn't need acting cuz it's half trash. Hardware is garbage at rapping and acting but he didn't do horrible this sketch
Cousin Becky is a mess
Jack Harlow is a pretty good actor. I love him with straight hair too
That Jeff Probst cameo caught me completely off guard LMAO
And to think that in Real Life, Jeff Probst has the legal ability to have a Couple legally Married, since He has said numerous times on Talk Shows that He has completed an Online Course as an officially sanctioned Ordained Minister!
Just caught that the bride and groom have the same uncle :D
I never expected Jeff Probst to show up, amazing 👏
This is the arguably the best sketch in the last 15 years, hands down. I can't believe it doesn't have way more views.
I feel like this sketch is where Jack gets his stride. I hope he is able to come back and is able to be this funny the whole time!
Andrew Dismukes is an absolute star-this whole sketch is such a silly premise but the commitment to the accent + bit made it the best of the night.
@3:48 LOL!😊 Sarah is so funny playing the grandma. She reminded me of Kate when she would do the old lady roles.
This sketch shouldn’t be funny but it kills me. The way Heidi says bridengroom got me.
Man... What the hell did I just watch? And why was crying actual tears while watching it? This was so random and funny, I had to leave a random comment about it. 😂😂😂
"This place coulda been CRAWLIN with JowKurs DOoney!" I love this skit
I hate that I can’t get Desmukes saying Joker out of my head 😅
...i CANNOT be the only one who thought this sketch was gonna be the actual Joker getting married and Heidi was playing Harley Quinn
that would be too normal and this is SNL
This is wY BETTER!!!!
Damn, that would have been great, too.
Damn, glad they went with this instead
The church sign at the end saying "Happy Halloween! Love, Jesus." 😂😂
The reality TV music in the background as they voted was gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is so stupid its brilliant. It gets funnier and funnier as every great sketch should. This could easily have not worked and become redundant but everyone just nailed it.👏😂
3:48 LOL Sarah’s head looks like it’s gonna fly off and the lady on the right looks concerned about it 😂😂😂
I could imagine Kate McKinnon’s version! She nailed them old ladies.
That wig looked like it was coming off for a second there.
I had a buddy from Kentucky who talked with an accent and acted just like this. One of his famous sayings was always, "I'm from Kentucky, where the men are men and the goats 🐐 are scared!!" LOL
Jack almost made Heidi break 😂
The accents in this are so accurate, I could have sworn I was at the Walmart in Dickson, TN.
“Marry my nephew” “Thanks Uncle” LMAO WHAT
Jack wasn't on my radar but he crushed these skits.😆
She looks great in that wedding dress 👰
Being from Louisville, this is pretty spot on if you are outside of Jefferson County. And Jack's Kentucky blood is so obvious by how natural he sounds. And the fact they used Lexington (home of University of Kentucky) for the church makes it that much better 😆
Chloe’s southern accent is all kinds of WTF 😆😆
It was terrible. Lol
Reminds me of when she played Epcot in the Floribama Shore sketch
It's like the accents from that old show Nashville.
Not so much southern but southern trailer trash whose parents are brother and sister.
lol love her but the accent was aMESS
Andrew is incredible! There is something about him that makes him so funny.
This is channeling the same great "bizarro" vibes as "Main Justice". And that is why it is the best original sketch in YEARS! More like this please, SNL.
Damn Heidi lookin AMAZING. ❤
1:37 😭 andrew is so underrated
Since Jack is from Kentucky, I suspect this wasn't an accent. It was his real voice.
he's from Louisville they do not have an accent
@@el0quinn lmfao some of them do. Love how folks from Louisville try to pretend to be some kind of uptown hoity-toity better thans when you're far from it. The transplants don't have the accents but plenty of locals do.
@@cje886 Louisville is one of the shittiest cities in the country, and probably the most corrupt. Once you cross over to the western bank of the Kentucky river you can just see the life and color bleed from everything. Louisville-ites aren't any more pretentious or condescending than New Yorkers. Which is also a disgusting place.
@@el0quinn they definitely have an accent. Looking At This I Knew Somebody There Was Actually From Kentucky.
seems like they just wanted to say the word"joker" a billion times in a southern accent
i love everything about this ski
can we give a hand for this non actor to deliver these lines in this accent this fast with out making any mistakes. i dont know shit about jack harlow cuz ... old, BUT this is impressive
I second that
I think this might be Jack's natural accent. He's from Kentucky. This sketch easy as hell for Jack.
@@Thisath100 yep
@@Fourtune1 this one should've because he's from Kentucky.
@@Thisath100 it’s not
So...we just gonna move past how the church sign said "Happy Halloween! Love, Jesus" at the end? That's hilarious! LOL
If only ALL weddings/marriages could be decided this way.
“Joe-Kerr!” 😂😂
Would Have Loved for One of the Relatives be a Living Joker (Joaquin, Jared, Even Jack) ... Though the Jeff Probst Cameo WAS Pretty Cool!
This sketch is a testament to how truly good the cast of SNL Is now. Jack Harlow did amazing as a first time host. Sarah Sherman kills me with the "skunk and alkyholic" line.
Best skit they’ve done in a long time. This new cast, Jack, Jeff Probst, the guest of the Survivor host?!?!?!?!? Killer comedy piece right here
Agree! This is literally the funniest thing I have seen in ages…not just SNL. Hell, I’ve never even commented on a RUclips video until tonight, my 4th day of watching this sketch over and over
Came here for Probst after the Fallon interview. WORTH IT. 🤣 Hilarious
This was such a nonsence sketch... I loved it.
I love how they pronounced Joker🤣🤣
I didn't tell you to dress like Joh-kair!
But I told u I was gonna dress like Joh-kair!@@mikedemirdjian9976
Some sketches are just gold. I laughed so hard....😂😂😂😂😂
Probably one of the best skits I’ve seen in years! Perfectly executed!!!😂😂😂😂 “JOOOOKER!”
Heidi looks so gorgeous
I love these Dismukes written sketches where he's the pinnacle of the absurdity. It's always perfect.
After cameoing so many years in Mad TV, nice to see Jeff Probst on SNL!
Jack knocked this skit out of the park
The trick here is turning the word "Joker" into three syllables.
This is going to be an all - time famous SNL skit. Guaranteed.
My 2nd favorite SNL pronunciation of Joker since Melissa's "Yoker."
This is one of the best sketches they’ve had in a while. Amazing writing and Jack Harlow is killing it.
It wasn’t funny and all and borderline offensive too
@@helpfulcommenter what do you mean borderline offensive lol
I just wanna dress like Joe kur! 😂😂😂
this was the best show in awhile. when musical artist and host participate it gives off an aura that cannot be explained. it was very similar when lizzo hosted. nice job, guys!
Harlow was really good...Reminded me of when Mick Jagger hosted years ago and Christina Aguilera did a spot on Samantha on a Sex In The City skit...
that Adele episode too!!
And Childish Gambino
It was a good show. Jack stumbled occasionally but always caught himself and made up for it. Overall did bring an energy with him. Bringing in familiar faces helped. Writing solid too. They took chances with some bizarre material and made it work.
I love the energy Sarah brings to these skits
Bro I know all these writers work hard to make this show possible but sometimes you know they got an easy job. I guarantee someone in the writer's room went "Hey it's funny to say joker in a Southern accent, let's make a skit about it" and the rest of them went "genius"
That's funny you say that. I started listening to the Dana Carvey/David Spade podcast where they talk about SNL days and interview people from the show, and it's funny and entertaining and I keep having to remind myself that the reason they're all stressed out about writing all the time is because there's so much money involved. Take away the money aspect, and these people basically have a hilarious time, and don't even work all year round. Very first world problems on the podcast... but yeah, NBC and millionaires to be had (and made).
Jack Harlow could easily be a cast member… funny and great playing roles
My name is Clint and this five-minute video is the most I’ve ever heard my name in media.
He dressed like "jow ker" 😆
Heidi looks stunning
How on EARTH did they nail the accents so well? Mad impressed as a native Kentuckian.
We’re lucky we have only one joker, this place could have been crawling with jokers. True that👻🎃
the number of extra Vowels Andrew Dismukes put's in "Jo-u-e-Ker"
She look gorgeous in that dree and her hair like that!
I ment to say dress! Coffee didn't hit me at that time!
I love everything about this sketch that others have already mentioned, and a less mentioned piece that DESTROYS me is the way Sarah Sherman dials up the granny act to the maximum. The way she rolls her eyes up when saying Joker. *chefs kiss*
Best sketch of the night! Also the dude from survivor had major work done
This was the funniest skit from last night hands down. The grandma killed it