Love my plants. I call them "my kids" and currently have :::counting::: 22. My boyfriend and I live in an apartment and they fill the area of space around our windows with life, looks lovely. Especially this depressing time of year with the green world outside in retreat it's nice to come inside to my own tiny jungle of happiness.
During the warmer months I put them on rotation out on our fire escape. Not ashamed to admit I also talked to them and even given a few of them names. Currently, "Lola" (enormous Christmas Cactus) is being a big show off and has flowered and exploded with color. I can tell "Ted" (a rather morose Spider Plant) is super jealous of her. But I think it more of a case love gone bad as she's gorgeous and has spurned his amorous advances. It's clear he just wants to pollinate the fuck out of her and she's having none of it.
I think my collection of cacti are my favorites (shhh, don't tell the others). I like their silent strength. I find them comforting. I also love my Bonsai Tree ("Prudence"). She was classroom plant I adopted after one of my teachers in high school retired and asked if I could care for her. We've been good friends ever since.
Btw, it's my dream to own a house one day so I can have a huge vegetable garden in the backyard.