House plants/gardening

I wasn't sure this thread would get much attention... nice to see some replies :)

It's not too likely I'll ever have the funds to do it, but one day I'd love to have a garden like one of these...
beautiful gardens - Google Search
Just do it a small amount at a time and before long you will be there. That will keep the cost manageable. By using smaller size plants that cost less, it is afordable and they will grow.
Anyone else have a green thumb going on?

Love my plants. I call them "my kids" and currently have :::counting::: 22. My boyfriend and I live in an apartment and they fill the area of space around our windows with life, looks lovely. Especially this depressing time of year with the green world outside in retreat it's nice to come inside to my own tiny jungle of happiness.

During the warmer months I put them on rotation out on our fire escape. Not ashamed to admit I also talked to them and even given a few of them names. Currently, "Lola" (enormous Christmas Cactus) is being a big show off and has flowered and exploded with color. I can tell "Ted" (a rather morose Spider Plant) is super jealous of her. But I think it more of a case love gone bad as she's gorgeous and has spurned his amorous advances. It's clear he just wants to pollinate the fuck out of her and she's having none of it.

I think my collection of cacti are my favorites (shhh, don't tell the others). I like their silent strength. I find them comforting. I also love my Bonsai Tree ("Prudence"). She was classroom plant I adopted after one of my teachers in high school retired and asked if I could care for her. We've been good friends ever since.

Btw, it's my dream to own a house one day so I can have a huge vegetable garden in the backyard.
the pic you posted is of a philodendron selloum. i have several in my yard

Tell that to the Florida Ag guy who comes into my yard regularly. I thought it was a philodendron myself, but he corrected me. Now I can correct him!

By the way, by law Florida Ag can come onto any property that has an orange tree to inspect them regularly. I have two.
Tell that to the Florida Ag guy who comes into my yard regularly. I thought it was a philodendron myself, but he corrected me. Now I can correct him!

By the way, by law Florida Ag can

come onto any property that has an orange tree to inspect them regularly. I have two
rhododendrons are azaleas. they need to fire his ass. our tax dollars at work.
Love my plants. I call them "my kids" and currently have :::counting::: 22. My boyfriend and I live in an apartment and they fill the area of space around our windows with life, looks lovely. Especially this depressing time of year with the green world outside in retreat it's nice to come inside to my own tiny jungle of happiness.

During the warmer months I put them on rotation out on our fire escape. Not ashamed to admit I also talked to them and even given a few of them names. Currently, "Lola" (enormous Christmas Cactus) is being a big show off and has flowered and exploded with color. I can tell "Ted" (a rather morose Spider Plant) is super jealous of her. But I think it more of a case love gone bad as she's gorgeous and has spurned his amorous advances. It's clear he just wants to pollinate the fuck out of her and she's having none of it.

I think my collection of cacti are my favorites (shhh, don't tell the others). I like their silent strength. I find them comforting. I also love my Bonsai Tree ("Prudence"). She was classroom plant I adopted after one of my teachers in high school retired and asked if I could care for her. We've been good friends ever since.

Btw, it's my dream to own a house one day so I can have a huge vegetable garden in the backyard.
great!... lol!
what are your criterias for give your plants male or female names?...
thank you, mercurygirl...
great!... lol!
what are your criterias for give your plants male or female names?...
thank you, mercurygirl...

Granted I could be, botanically speaking, completely off on what plants are but as a general personal rule of thumb I always give the flowering plants girl's names. The ones that are indistinguishable, those appearing to be monoecious, are a little trickier and I go with what I feel is their more dominant masculine or feminine aspect and name them based on that. For instance just about all my cacti have male names do to the phallus shape of many of them. Again, there's absolutely no science behind it and there's a good chance I've piss off one or more of them by naming, say, a Alexandria an Alexander. Some unknowns are easy though and name themselves, like I have a Peace Lily I call, drum roll, Lily. The ones I have no sense of I give neutral names. For example I have a Weeping Fig named Rain.
currently fostering several kittens, the house plants are taking a bit of a besting. small paws can wreak havoc on a potted plant.

Awww!! I love the little itty bitty kitties... even when they are wreaking havoc on everything around them :D

My silly titty (I call my cat titty because of that viral video on YouTube "Can I pet your titties?") never really did much to the actual plants... he just relieved himself in the soil. Could NOT get the little fucker to stop, but he grew out of it I guess :)
I bought Baby, my kitty, some Sweet Greens grass for her to gnaw on. Waste of money. She doesn't touch any of my plants, but my doors and sofa are taking a beating.
Got a couple more plants for my living room window :D

Picked up a Jade at the grocery store the other day... just a little baby so far, can't wait to see how big it'll get. Then today I got 2 Geranium flowers from the groundskeepers at work. It's so sweet of them, they bring me the left-over plants they run out of room for in the gardens on campus. Makes my day a little brighter, and my living room a bit mroe colorful and full of life :)
have started my seedlings this week. heaps of veg, herbs and flowering pretty things.
a full tray of black-eye susan vines. not a photo of my lil guys, what i hope they grow up into.

prepping the beds start this weekend.
lots of dirt turning and sweating to get it ready for planting.
ever so worth it and enjoyable in the doing.
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I have several NFT hydroponic tables set up to provide me with greens and veggies all year round.
The nutrient tanks can be heated with a small aquarium heater so in winter those plants that like it
a bit warmer won't suffer in the cold esp. when they're set up against a window that lets in a lot of light.
No weeding, digging or bending and the growth of the plants is just astonishing.
I start all my plants from seed in the system and I get germination within 24 hours with most
asian greens like choy sum, nappa cabbage and tatsoi.
Kale - red curly, Russian, Italian black kale, chard are also super stars in the NFT systems and also germinate within 24 hours.

I love growing my own food.
Yay for spring! We now have corn, green beans, sunflowers, and will soon have kale sprouting for the garden... still saving up for some pots and seeds for an indoor herb garden... and I've acquired a few new house plants. Got an Elglish Ivy and a baby Peace Lily a couple weeks ago (gifts from my G-ma) and the other day I couldn't help myself, because I found a Purple Passion and a String of Hearts in the gardening section when I was looking for more seeds for the garden.

It's so cute to see him help me get all excited to help me out with the outdoor garden.. turns out he's just as into this whole green thumb thing as I am :) I've known him a Loooong time... and he still manages to surprise me.
I usually keep a basil plant in a window sill. Suffice it to say that I do not have a green thumb, but I get just enough green leaves to use in cooking once in a while.

Now if I could just find a use for all the brown leaves that keep falling off. :)
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From reading the thread, I clearly need to ask some of you for advice. I'd love to grow more herbs in the window sill, but I feel bad enough killing so many basil plants. :p
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