Options for Hutch (or betrayed husband in general) in the order of conventional societal expectation/acceptance
1. 100 years ago: 1. violence 2. exit (would already have been seen as a bit of cowardice and as an overall failure) 3. accpetance (not possible, not accepted, basically no real option)
2. today: 1. exit (realistically what most would have done I like to think) 2. acceptance (today the easy way externally. more or less long term, depends on the circumstances and on how many people know etc.) 3. violence (not accepted anymore not only legally but also more and more socially. and furthermore if he lost that bodily fight with the boss he additionaly would have been severely mocked. This option has only costs and almost no benefits today apart from acting out rage in the moment and he feeling, that you owe this to yourself, but the costs are overwhelming. You are out on your own)